Career trajectories

Life is rarely linear. Why should careers be?

Palm AI helps you imagine all the possible paths.

Detection of possible branches (horizontal and vertical), "star" career path
Take inspiration from similar courses or ask AI for help
Parcours classique
Trajectoires de carrières

Linking career paths to skills

Identify the skills and levels required to progress in each pathway
Give meaning to your training initiatives: train the right person, on the right subject, at the right time, to enable them to progress.
Each employee can visualize his or her skills in real time: those he or she already has, those he or she needs to acquire in order to fulfill his or her missions, and those he or she needs to develop in order to progress in his or her career.
Each person is unique: all AI suggestions are personalized to match the company's needs with the employee's skills, potential and aspirations.

Companies that trusts Palm

Bureaux de payfit
As an HR unicorn, Payfit has a duty to remain at the cutting edge of innovation and to be exemplary in terms of talent development.

After a benchmark of existing solutions, Palm was the obvious choice, not least because of our ability to engage all employees.
Campus ESSEC
How do you match 10,000 talented young people with opportunities offered by companies? Thanks to Palm's AI, this matching is done automatically, for everyone.

Each student is offered the most relevant opportunities according to his or her training and aspirations. Companies, meanwhile, receive only the most relevant applications.
Bureaux ASWO
As a European leader in after-sales services for professionals, with a high proportion of skilled workers with skills that are rare on the market, Aswo was looking for a solution to develop and retain its in-house talent.

By choosing Palm, the group saves 20 man-days each year on talent management alone.

Digitalized, integrated skills management to make your life easier

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