Developing skills and careers through AI

Map skills simply and automatically. Visualize the skills gap in real time. Engage your employees in personalized careers.
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Interview of Hela, Palm's CEO

Simple and effective modules to help you manage your human capital

Skills Palm
Agile Palm

Jobs and skills mapping

Palm's AI is capable of extracting the skills contained in job descriptions and their level of mastery (skills leveling). With Palm, you can map out all your skills in just a few hours, providing you with the gap between the skills an employee has and those he or she should master.

This information is accessible in real time.

Eric Alonson Grant Thornton
"Palm is an innovative solution for managing skills, identifying relevant training and engaging employees . With Palm, we also organize webinars to share our vision of tomorrow's talent management with our network."
Expert HR -  Grant Thornton
Parcours de carrière
Parcours classique

Career paths

Life is rarely linear. Palm's AI helps you imagine all the possible paths:- Detection of possible branches (horizontal and vertical), "star" career paths .

Get inspired by similar paths or ask the AI for help.

Témoignage Maxime
"We have a major challenge in attracting and retaining employees (60% of whom are blue collars). Palm allows us to optimize our skills and career management processes (previously done in Excel and Word). We save around 20 days H/year per HRBP".
Maxime Verchot -  HR Aswo
Marketplace Palm
Customer success compétences

Motivating and retaining talent

Talent that is limited to opportunities within its department or BU is at greater risk of leaving. Without the right tool, internal opportunities - whether projects, vacancies or mentor discussions - are invisible to your talent.

Palm AI breaks down silos and presents relevant internal opportunities to the right talent at the right time, across the entire organization.

Souhail ITNV
"Palm is helping us to centralize ITN's skills and career management. Our organization presents a double complexity: the autonomy of our skills centers in 3 countries and business synergies. Palm allows us to simplify this follow-up, harmonize opportunities and save time".
Managing Director-  IT New Vision
Performance dans Palm
High Performers

360 people review at scale

Palm is designed to enable you to carry out people reviews at scale. Identify your talents in collaboration with managers, and position them in the customizable 9-box grid. Once potential employees have been identified, they need to be offered the right opportunities to develop and progress internally.

Palm automatically detects and suggests the right training for each individual, as well as projects in which to participate to gain experience.

angelique payfit
“Palm is comprehensive and easy to use, and the solution makes it possible to identify talent on a large scale. Palm makes it possible to offer talents a tool giving insight into their career, mobility, skills with relevant recommendations."
Angélique Chegaray  -  Head of People Strategy Payfit

A strategic choice for the future

1 in 4 times
The salary of the employee leaving the company = the cost of turnover.

Etude Cabinet Hays 2021
Microsoft excel genius
HR staff spend at least half their time on administrative tasks.

Etude Payfit & Editions Tissot 2021
Compétences obsolètes
Jobs present a risk of skills becoming obsolete within 3 years.

Etude Cegos 2021 DRH français

You've got every reason to get started

Fiches de poste
Affectation collaborateur

Breaking down silos and leveraging mobility

Gone are the days when managers jealously guarded their talents. They too have everything to gain from breaking down silos.

Fewer resignations
More talent available to help them with their projects
AI to help them identify relevant people

Offer career paths to every talent

Being able to train and develop internally is one of the main concerns of talented people when choosing an employer, and this requirement is all the more pressing for Generation Z.

Personalized career paths
Provide the means to progress
AI-assisted path creation
Agile Palm
Cartographie des compétences
Recherche de compétences
Niveaux de compétence
Référentiel de compétences

Offer your talents an inclusive experience

Unfortunately, although cognitive biases are known today, it is not possible to eradicate them. But they can be effectively countered. To do so, we need to raise collective awareness and equip ourselves with the right tools.

Palm suggests opportunities regardless of gender, socio-economic or age bias
Combat self-censorship
Enable everyone to realize their potential

Identify and develop potential

Palm is designed to enable you to carry out people reviews at scale. Identify your talents in collaboration with managers, and position them in the customizable 9-box grid.

Train your talents more effectively
Enhancing performance
Enable everyone to realize their potential
Parcours classique
Trajectoires de carrières

Palm generates ROI

30 J/ H
earned by HRBP per year
reduced turnover in favor of internal mobility
skills automatically detected

Digitalized, integrated skills management to make your life easier

Discover our catalog of connectors

99% of talents love Palm. Not convinced yet? We love a challenge.

Companies that trusts Palm

Bureaux de payfit
As an HR unicorn, Payfit has a duty to remain at the cutting edge of innovation and to be exemplary in terms of talent development.

After a benchmark of existing solutions, Palm was the obvious choice, not least because of our ability to engage all employees.
Campus ESSEC
How do you match 10,000 talented young people with opportunities offered by companies? Thanks to Palm's AI, this matching is done automatically, for everyone.

Each student is offered the most relevant opportunities according to his or her training and aspirations. Companies, meanwhile, receive only the most relevant applications.
Bureaux ASWO
As a European leader in after-sales services for professionals, with a high proportion of skilled workers with skills that are rare on the market, Aswo was looking for a solution to develop and retain its in-house talent.

By choosing Palm, the group saves 20 man-days each year on talent management alone.

Over 40,000 talents already convinced

We have a major challenge in attracting and retaining employees (60% of whom are blue collars). Palm allows us to optimize our skills and career management processes (previously done in Excel and Word). We save around 20 days H/year per HRBP.
Maxime verchot-  HR Development Director Aswo
Témoignage Maxime
Palm is helping us to centralize ITN's skills and career management. The complexity of our organization is twofold: the autonomy of our skills centers in 3 countries, and business synergies. Palm makes it possible to simplify follow-up, harmonize opportunities and save time.
Souhail Jahidi -  Managing Director IT New Vision
Souhail ITNV
Palm is a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution for large-scale talent identification. Palm enables us to offer talents a tool that gives them a vision of their career, their mobility and their skills, with relevant recommendations.
Angélique Cheragay -  Head of People Strategy Payfit
angelique payfit