Fiches de poste
Affectation collaborateur

Job descriptions: the essential foundation

Companies struggle to keep their job descriptions up to date for all their constantly evolving professions.

Palm automates 80% of the work involved in creating or updating job descriptions
Validation of workflow with managers
Thousands of job description templates available

Automatic mapping of skills

Palm's AI can detect your employees' skills by extracting information from the repository of your choice. For example, you can choose to use data already present in your HRIS.

Palm saves 70% of the work of matching skills
Palm not only detects the skill, but also displays the mastery level for each one.
Agile Palm
Cartographie des compétences
Recherche de compétences
Niveaux de compétence
Référentiel de compétences

Skills Gap

Palm provides you with the gap between the skills an employee possesses and those he or she should master. Are you modifying a job description to add a new skill? Are you training an employee to master a new tool?

The skills gap adjusts immediately. See the results of your training efforts, month after month.

Companies that trusts Palm

Bureaux de payfit
As an HR unicorn, Payfit has a duty to remain at the cutting edge of innovation and to be exemplary in terms of talent development.

After a benchmark of existing solutions, Palm was the obvious choice, not least because of our ability to engage all employees.
Campus ESSEC
How do you match 10,000 talented young people with opportunities offered by companies? Thanks to Palm's AI, this matching is done automatically, for everyone.

Each student is offered the most relevant opportunities according to his or her training and aspirations. Companies, meanwhile, receive only the most relevant applications.
Bureaux ASWO
As a European leader in after-sales services for professionals, with a high proportion of skilled workers with skills that are rare on the market, Aswo was looking for a solution to develop and retain its in-house talent.

By choosing Palm, the group saves 20 man-days each year on talent management alone.

Digitalized, integrated skills management to make your life easier

Discover our catalog of connectors

99% of talents love Palm. Not convinced yet? We love a challenge.